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Tips For Writing Conversion-Driven Product Descriptions

Tips for Writing Conversion-Driven Product Descriptions

The business world is changing rapidly. That is, because of many reasons like convenience, price comparisons, plenty of choices etc most people are preferring online shopping today. And this has forced even big brands to open online stores too.

But even though companies are receiving many advantages by running these kinds of online stores, they have to face many crises and competition to stay in this field. Product descriptions are the prime way through which a company can communicate with its customers. So you must always make sure that your product descriptions have the power to attract your target audience.

Now let’s have a look at various methods and techniques that can you use for your content to make it versatile.

How to craft product descriptions for enhancing conversions?

Tips for Writing Conversion-Driven Product Descriptions

Speak to Your Customers

Always craft your product descriptions in such a manner that it talks to your customers directly. For that, understand the insights of your customer first and then write content by keeping those points in your mind. Also, think of the possible queries and doubts that a customer asks if he goes to a store directly. And try to include that information in your description.

It will be great if you can bring a conversational style to your description. The benefit of this style is that the reader will have a feeling that they are talking to a salesperson.

Concise and Comprehensive Descriptions

Try to include all crucial information regarding your product, especially its features and benefits. But make sure that you are not exaggerating, only include what you feel is relevant. The content you frame should have the power to entice the customers, so make sure the content has high readability.

To be in detail, when a person reads the product description he must be able to pick out the information he needs easily. So you can employ short sentences, bullet points, simple words, etc to make your content fit for all kinds of audiences.

Use Apt and Powerful Words

Boosting sales is the ultimate objective of most businesses. So you can make it possible by writing amazing product descriptions for your product. The choice of words that you make to frame your product descriptions matters a lot in the sales part.

That is, you can use selling words and phrases like “Last Chance”, “Try it First”, “Free Returns”, “Join”, “Imagine” etc. Also, the content will be rich if you include sensory words like “Crunchy”, “Shiny”,” Slimy”, “Feathery” etc. The main benefit of including sensory words is that you can make your customers understand how your product feels.

Create Trust in Your Product

The prime step in making your customers buy a product is that, create trust in what you are selling. Let’s crack how it is possible in product descriptions. If you are starting to write the production of a semi-jute handbag, include the following points in your description:

  • Make the title clear, instead of expressing “handbag”, mention it as “semi-jute handbag” itself
  • Include the details like shape, lengthwise measurements, breadth wise measurements, weight, colour etc
  • Add information that states the quality of the product.
  • If the product has warranty, highlight it
  • What makes your product unique from your competitors

Content in Harmony with Images

Try to write content that closely goes with the image you provide. Product image and product role have a great role in attracting a person to the product. There is also a chance that the customer will feel trust your product, if the descriptions synchronise with the image. You should be able to maintain the flow of your content while including all details in the image.

And thus when a customer is visually pleased with the content and image, there is only less chance that he will move away from buying your product.

Make it SEO Friendly

SEO is an essential technique that you need to follow to make your product description reach many eyes. If you can make many people read your product descriptions, there are more chances for an increase in sales. Even though it is a bit difficult to make SEO-friendly content, you can incorporate it, if you are ready to do enough research and studies related to this. Identifying the relevant keywords is the first step that you need to do before initiating description writing.

Once you have found the promising keywords include them in such a way that it comes naturally in your content. Another way through which you can mould SEO content is by infusing interlinks.

Final Word

In a nutshell, you need quality product descriptions to make your content beneficial for your business.

Why waste your time writing product descriptions in the middle of your busy schedules? We the team of Allianze GCC is here to aid you with our product description writing services. So if you want expert product content writers to handle your eCommerce content productions, connect us via [email protected]

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