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How SEO Content Writing is different from SEO Copywriting?

SEO copywriting and SEO content writing have the same goal. You can increase traffic from search engines via these two content writing techniques.

SEO copywriting is an art, just like copy-editing is. It involves not only understanding the content you are transposing, but also a respect for it. SEO copywriting and SEO content writing are two different things. Skills for SEO copywriting is essential because it helps to create successful SEO content.

Want to know the difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing? Then you’re in the right place. It’s time to fill you in on this essential topic.

SEO Content Writing

Content Writing vs. SEO Copywriting

SEO content writing is the technique of writing copy that attracts search engines and their users. Writing content is not simply about filling up a web page with keywords, but to create a user-friendly, interesting, informative and rich content.

  • This content writing technique is about creating the content that will attract more people to a website.
  • SEO content writing engages with the audience.
  • It does not concern itself with trivial matters (grammar errors, etc.) as long as it keeps the reader’s attention.

SEO copywriting is a specialized field that requires much training and practice to master. An SEO writer needs to know how to write in such a way that the readers do not feel that they are reading content written with the sole purpose of increasing the ranking of the website in search results. Even though both SEO copywriting and content writing are related, there are some aspects of the two that make them completely different from each other.

  • SEO copywriting is about writing content that will make visitors stay longer, visit more pages and eventually convert into buyers.
  • It engages with search engine bots using keywords and other elements.
  • This content writing technique checks for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Biggest difference between SEO content writing and SEO copywriting

Content writing when compared to SEO copywriting focuses on keyword density optimization. It refers to the amount of times a specific keyword appears in your content within a certain number of words. For example, if your article is 500 words. Then, you want to use your keywords as much as possible without overdoing it. This can be a bit tricky, but with practice you will get the hang of it. The key here is that you focus on keywords when writing an article or blog post. Though such type of content will rank high in search engines, it might not attract reader’s interest.

Role of SEO Content Writing Services

Aim for long-term benefits:

The main focus of SEO content writing is to provide information to your website visitors and help them find what they are looking for. However, it also has a secondary motive of boosting the search engine ranking of your website. Hence, when creating content for your site, you should make sure that it is as informative and useful as possible to your real website visitors, who in turn would find it useful and share it with others. This will help increase good quality incoming links from other sites, which in turn will increase your search engine rankings over time.

Content is the ultimate king:

SEO content writing is all about understanding the needs of your target audience and catering to those needs. Content should be able to provide real value to site visitors and meet their expectations. They should feel that they have spent time on valuable information, which ultimately leads them to stay on your site longer, browse more pages and come back more often. The more they stay on your site and interact with it, the better are your chances of getting them to click on advertisements or buy products from you.

Role of SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting increases the website’s search ranking on Google, Bing and other search engines. The effectiveness of the content depends on how well it fulfills the needs of its readers. Also, it should satisfy the demands of the search engine. This means that SEO copywriting requires writers to understand what users are looking for. This content writing technique should ultimately helps them decide what keywords they should use.

Provide Information Consumers Want

SEO copywriting is all about satisfying consumers’ needs. By writing articles and other content that directly address consumers’ questions, concerns, and interests, you’ll help build trust and credibility in your brand.

Attract New Customers

One of the greatest benefits of SEO copywriting is its ability to attract new customers. With good SEO copywriting, users ca n find your site by searching on keywords related to your products and services. Once people find you and read your content, they’re more likely to feel confident about doing business with you.


On one hand, SEO copywriting is not SEO content writing. In fact, SEO copywriting requires a different set of rules. You might have to strike a balance between promotional and informational sentences, or you might have write in “SEO first” manner. That’s because, with SEO content writing, you can generate traffic from unqualified sources as well as qualified sources. On the other hand, you can’t always expect your SEO copywriting efforts will help your website rank higher on Google Search or other engines like Bing and Yahoo.

Allianze GCC is a content writing service provider with unparalleled content writing techniques. Let us help you today! For more details, contact us at [email protected]

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